Terms and Conditions

Check-in from 4pm to 8pm (delays have to be communicated by calling our telephone number)
Any possible arrival different from those specified must be requested at the moment of reservation
Check-out 10am
Breakfast is served from 8:30am to 9:30am.
Information and guests assistance from 8:30am to 12 and from 4pm to 8pm
Informazioni ed assistenza per gli ospiti dalle ore 8.30 alle 12.00 e dalle 16.00 alle 20.00.
The use of the swimming pool is allowed from 8.30am to 7:30pm.
The use of the common room for breakfasts and dinners is allowed until 10pm (specific internal rules for its use)
The Agritourism is equipped for disabled people
We accept all credit cards.
The management reserves the right to host musical events in the structure at any time of the year even in the presence of guests.